Don’t miss out on these bonuses coordination training has!

Your dog needs coordination skills in every activity he’s engaged in. Yet it’s one of the most overlooked areas of dog sports training. We often see the word “coordination” in a fitness program or puppy school program. But the reality is often just a couple of exercises for body awareness. It’s because coordination can be a bit tricky to train, especially when we don’t know it’s even a thing! Time to change that. Coordination training has some HUGE benefits. Find out what they are in this blog post.

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How to create high resolution body maps?

In order to move well, the nervous system needs to have very high quality information about the body.
Knowing where different body parts are and how they move depends on body maps. Body maps are areas of the brain representing different body parts. In order to grow and create connections in the body maps, the brain needs information from movement.

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